Volume 12, Issue 7
TCAA 2017 Fall Conference in Houston
The Texas City Attorneys Association (TCAA) Fall Conference will be held in conjunction with the TML Annual Conference and Exhibition on October 5, 2017, at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Topics will include: (1) Accommodating Disabled Persons in Municipal Facilities; (2) Strategies and Pitfalls for Cities Involved in High-Profile Litigation; and (3) Employee Discipline. Attorneys can earn up to 5 MCLE hours, including 1 ethics hour.
CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER. (Note: The schedule for the TCAA program is available under “Affiliate Programs,” and most attorneys who will not be attending the entire TML Annual Conference and Exhibition will want to choose the “one-day registration” option, starting at $180.) If you have questions or need more information, please contact Heather Ford at 512-231-7400 or ford@tml.org.
85th Special Legislative Session
On June 6, 2017, Governor Abbott called for a special legislative session to begin on July 18th. Stay informed by checking TML’s Legislative Update weekly for summaries of city-related bills and associated articles.
State and Local Legal Center (SLLC) Supreme Court Review Webinar
First Amendment and police cases dominated the U.S. Supreme Court’s state and local government docket this term. These and other cases of interest to states and local governments were discussed with Mike Scodro and Mayer Brown, who argued one of the police cases this term, and Kyle Duncan, Schaerr Duncan, and Ken Jost, author of Supreme Court Yearbook and Jost on Justice.
The webinar was held on July 13, 2017. A recording will be available here: http://statelocallc.squarespace.com/moot-courts/
Thank you to NACo for hosting this event!
TCAA Online Membership Directory
Looking to find the contact information for a fellow TCAA member? You can find it using the TCAA membership directory, available here:
IMLA Membership
Membership with IMLA doesn’t just mean discounts to their events. It’s much more than that. Click here to view a quick video about IMLA membership.
2016 TCAA Fall Conference and 2017 TCAA Summer Conference Sessions are Available Online
The TCAA Online Seminars are FREE, allowing TCAA members who are city attorneys, assistant city attorneys, or attorneys who regularly practice municipal law to view videos of past seminars in a single−session format. Viewing of the session allows attorneys to receive participatory CLE credit with the State Bar. To view available seminars, please visit www.tcaaonlineseminars.org. (Use the case-sensitive password “FreeCLE” to gain access to the sessions.)
If you would like to have an article considered for publication in the TCAA newsletter, please send your request to Christy Drake-Adams at christy@tml.org.