The 2022 TCAA Fall Conference will take place on October 6, 2022, in San Antonio, and will be held in conjunction with the TML Annual Conference.
Susan C. Rocha Memorial Scholarship
TCAA, in conjunction with the International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA), is proud to continue the Susan C. Rocha Memorial Scholarships for the 2022 IMLA Annual Conference.
In Susan’s memory, TCAA will provide four scholarships to in-house city or assistant city attorneys to the 2022 IMLA Annual Conference. Two will be from the eight largest cities (Arlington, Austin, Corpus Christi, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, Houston, or San Antonio), and two will be from the remaining cities. The conference will be in Portland, Oregon on October 19-23, 2022. For more details about the conference, go to
The winners will be drawn from lots. There can be only one winner per city, and winners from previous years are not eligible.
The winners will receive up to a $2,000 reimbursement for expenses that your city would have otherwise provided for attendance at the conference. If the conference is in-person, those expenses will include registration, travel, meals, and lodging at the conference hotel. If the conference is virtual, those expenses will include registration and any related expenses.
To apply, send an email indicating your interest along with your full name and contact information to The deadline to apply for the drawing is 5:00 p.m. on July 15, 2022.
State and Local Legal Center – Upcoming Webinars
SLLC Supreme Court Review webinar
From guns to abortion to countless First Amendment cases to a potentially big police case, this U.S. Supreme Court term will long be remembered. Join Dan Bromberg, Pillsbury, who wrote the SLLC amicus brief in the Boston flag case, Roman Martinez, Latham & Watkins, who argued the police case, and Luke McCloud, Williams & Connolly, who also argued a case this term, in a discussion of the most interesting and important cases for states and local governments decided this term.
July 14, 2-3:15 Eastern
Register here.
Supreme Court 2021 Term Roundup: Environmental Law and the States
Join appellate advocates and state Solicitors General on Tuesday, July 19 from 12:30pm – 1:45pm ET for a conversation about the term’s cases and the impact that those cases could have on states and environmental law. This program is co-hosted by the State Energy & Environmental Impact Center and the State and Local Legal Center.
Comment Period for Proposed Civil Rules of Procedure for Municipal Courts
The Supreme Court of Texas tasked the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center (TMCEC) and several city attorneys and municipal judges to participate in a workgroup to propose civil rules for application in municipal courts. The workgroup has created a survey to solicit feedback for the proposed rules prior to their submission to the Supreme Court Advisory Committee. Click here to access a draft of the proposed rules. Click the following link to access the survey to provide comments: The comment period will close on July 21, 2022.
If the survey does not provide adequate space for your comments, please email further comments to
TCAA Online Membership Directory
Looking to find the contact information for a fellow TCAA member? You can find it using the TCAA membership directory, available here.
IMLA Membership
Membership with IMLA doesn’t just mean discounts to their events. It’s much more than that. Click here to view a quick video about IMLA membership.
Continuing Legal Education
2021 Fall Conference and 2022 Riley Fletcher Seminar
These TCAA online seminars are FREE, allowing TCAA members who are city attorneys, assistant city attorneys, or attorneys who regularly practice municipal law to view the videos from the conferences in a single–session format. Viewing a session allows attorneys to receive participatory CLE credit with the State Bar. To view these seminars, please visit (Use the case-sensitive password “FreeCLE” to gain access to the sessions.)
If you would like to have an article considered for publication in the TCAA newsletter, please send your request to Amber McKeon-Mueller at