Volume 9, Issue 6
TCAA 2014 Summer Conference in South Padre Island – Registration and Hotel Information
The TCAA 2014 Summer Conference at the Isla Grand Resort in South Padre Island will be held on June 18-20, 2014. To register, go to www.texascityattorneys.org and click on the banner on the front page.
IMLA is Accepting Award Applications
The International Municipal Lawyers Association is accepting applications for a number of awards. For more information, go to www.imla.org/membership/awards.
FREE CLE! The 2013 TCAA Fall Conference is Available Online
The TCAA Online Seminars are FREE, allowing TCAA members who are city attorneys, assistant city attorneys, or attorneys who regularly practice municipal law to view videos of past seminars in a single–session format. Viewing of the session allows attorneys to receive participatory CLE credit with the State Bar. To view available seminars, please visit www.tcaaonlineseminars.org. (Use the case-sensitive password “FreeCLE” to gain access to the sessions.)