Notices and Announcements

Volume 9, Issue 9

TCAA 2014 Fall Conference in Houston

The Texas City Attorneys Association Fall Conference will be held in conjunction with the TML Annual Conference and Exhibition on October 2, 2014, at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston.

Topics will include: (1) background checks; (2) outdoor lighting ordinances; (3) recent state cases; (4) recent federal cases; (5) the Voting Rights Act; (6) ethics; and (7) a legislative forecast. Attorneys can earn up to 4.75 MCLE hours, including 1 ethics hour.

For more information or to register, please visit (Note:  Attorneys who will not be attending the entire TML Annual Conference and Exhibition will want to choose the “one-day registration” option.)

If you have questions or need more information, please contact Heather Mahurin at 512-231-7400 or

SLLC Supreme Court Preview Webinar

The State and Local Legal Center (SLLC) is holding its third annual Supreme Court Preview webinar. Various cases of interest to local governments will be discussed including a number of tax cases, a sign code case, and a religious challenge to a prison grooming policy. The webinar will feature Allyson Ho, with Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, who will argue two cases this term, Pratik Shah, co-head of Akin Gump’s Supreme Court and Appellate Practice, and Robert Barnes, Washington Post Supreme Court reporter.

Date:  Thursday, October 16, 2014
Time: 12:00 – 1:30 PM CST
Cost:   FREE
Reserve your Webinar seat at:

FREE CLE! The 2013 TCAA Fall Conference is Available Online

The TCAA Online Seminars are FREE, allowing TCAA members who are city attorneys, assistant city attorneys, or attorneys who regularly practice municipal law to view videos of past seminars in a singlesession format. Viewing of the session allows attorneys to receive participatory CLE credit with the State Bar. To view available seminars, please visit (Use the case-sensitive password “FreeCLE” to gain access to the sessions.)

If you would like to have an article considered for publication in the TCAA newsletter, please send your request to Christy Drake-Adams at